Experience the fascination of knitted wood construction in its purest form

With wood of the highest quality and a process that combines handwork, technology and dedication.

Our Work

  • Stacked Wood

    Solid Wood

    More and more people are discovering the beauty and value of building with "solid wood" or consciously preserving the natural, "raw" state of wood. This trend has become a strong movement that not only values aesthetic merits, but also focuses on sustainability and connection to nature.

  • machine cutting plank

    Digitally Assisted Woodworking

    Thanks to impressive advances in digitally assisted woodworking, it is now possible to implement efficient manufacturing processes even in small manufactories. For us, the focus is on keeping the path from the log to the end customer as short as possible. We believe that wood in its purest form should reach the construction site directly from the forest.

  • machine cutting plank

    Process Chain

    Our approach encompasses the entire process chain: from the careful harvesting of the wood to the regional organization of drying and further processing - just as it was practiced in earlier times. Our mission is to preserve the tradition of sustainable timber construction while using modern technologies to combine ecological and aesthetic values.


  • "Appenzeller Strickbau"

  • Knitted wood construction, a traditional building method of timeless beauty and stability, is enjoying a renaissance today.

  • To revive this original form of construction, mastery of the entire wood production process is essential. Here, the quality of the wood and precision at every step play a crucial role. A crucial factor is the timing of the felling.

  • Our experienced professionals are trained to master this fine balance between nature and craftsmanship to ensure the highest quality wood.

  • Once the wood has been carefully cut, the next step is initiated: sawing the wood planks. Precision is paramount here, as the exact shape and size of the planks lay the foundation for later construction. Our modern sawing machines ensure that each plank is cut with the utmost accuracy to lay the foundation for a solid structure.

  • Another key to the quality of cordwood construction lies in the drying and planing process of the wood planks. This is where our state-of-the-art drying and planing machines come into play. By using innovative technology, we guarantee gentle and efficient drying that preserves the natural properties of the wood. Our planing machines give the wood planks the perfect shape and texture, which are crucial for knitted wood construction.


Dorfstrasse 29
9108 Gonten
